A church in rural Alabama is named "Original Church of God," but underneath the sign are the words "Number Two." This isn't the only church with an original name, however. Here are some other unique church names I've heard about:
Little Hope Baptist Church (in Little Hope, Texas)
Too Blessed to Be Stressed Church in Drew, Mississippi (relaxing place to worship, I'm sure).
Left Foot Baptist Church and Right Foot Baptist Church (the result of a split over foot washing in a town in Georgia).
The First Church of the Last Chance in Dade, Florida (better not wait until the last verse of the invitation to come forward at that church).
Flippin Church of God (in Northern Arkansas).
Accident Baptist Church (apparently not a Calvinist church).
The Holy and Overcoming Apostolic Church in the Name of Jesus Only (try to fit that on a church sign).
Rock Star Baptist Church, Brandon, Mississippi (I wonder if Elvis visited).
Big Ugly Baptist Church in Big Ugly, West Virginia (a visiting preacher said, "It sure is nice to be with you Big Ugly folks tonight.")
The Lovely Freewill Baptist Church in Lovely, Kentucky (where people go when they leave Big Ugly).
Thank God, a congregation is not defined by the name over their door, but by the Lord over their hearts! After all, whenever you find the words "church" and "name" together in the same Bible verse, the emphasis is on the name of the Lord, not the name of the church (see 1 Corinthians 1:2, James 5:14). So whatever the name of your church is, find one that honors the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and God will bless it.
Copyright 2010 by Bob Rogers.